ESQUIRE: From the desk of Todd S. Hammond

Disabled and unable to work any full time job that exists in America? Although, it may be possible to survive without your usual paycheck for a short time after a serious illness or injury puts you out of work. When disability becomes long-term or permanent though, you’ll need additional, regular income that you can count on to pay the bills and cover everyday living expenses.
Disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA) may be one part of the answer, and since your application is so critical, you should seek legal assistance with your claim by hiring a disability attorney. Additional answers may also include (1) claims for service connected or pension benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs for your current disabling conditions; (2) a claim for benefits for a workers compensation on the job injury, (3) short or long term disability insurance purchased through your employer, and/or (4) disability retirement from your employer.